Reef Supplements Calculator

This page is designed to calculate reef aquarium supplement additions for Calcium, Alkalinity or Magnesium using commercial products or standard chemicals.

Net Aquarium Water Volume: How to calculate water volume
Current Calcium Level: ppm
Desired Calcium Level: ppm
Product: Product Required:

Balanced Alkalinity is:

Calcium pH effect:

Warnings and usage:

Preferred Unit:
Current Alkalinity Level:
Desired Alkalinity Level:
Product: Product Required:

Balanced Calcium is:

Alkalinity pH effect:

Warnings and usage:

Current Magnesium Level: ppm
Desired Magnesium Level: ppm
Product: Product Required:

Magnesion pH effect:

Warnings and usage:


You should be very careful about the kinds of products or chemicals put into your aquarium. Many of these products require keen knowledge of how they interact with your aquarium and saltwater.

All of the products presented should be used with full knowledge of their capabilities and limitations as many of these products may add more than just either Calcium, Alkalinity and/or Magnesium.

If you don't know what a product does, don't use it. Consult your manufacturer. Given the variability of their granular size, products conversion between volume and weight are approximations; for safety, use less than the calculated amount and measure the effect before adding the rest. Although every effort has been made to obtain accurate results and recommendations we can not assume responsibility for any problem related to the use of this calculator.


We want to thank Dr. Randy Holmes-Farley for his articles and help with some of these calculations and also we thank the manufacturers for providing and allowing the use of their products and corresponding data. I welcome your comments, questions and suggestions, please feel free to drop me an email any time

All products and their brand name are copyright of their respective owners. Although links to this page are allowed, this calculator is only intended to provide information in support of marine aquarists and can not be used for commercial purposes Neither this page nor it's source code or contained data either partially or entirely can be used in any other site commercial or otherwise. For more specific and detailed information in the use of a product, consult your manufacturer.